Sunday, July 10, 2011

Kenyan MPs thinking incompatible with New Constitution

Parliament has become a den of thieves

Updated: Sunday July 10, 2011 Story by: MEEME JOSHUA

From conspiracy theorists, connivers, to deal cutters, to utter thugs, to corrupt mandarins, to drug barons; men, this is a cocktail of evildoers in the name of law makers. Welcome to Kenyan Parliament. Now this bunch of devil's disciples have earned themselves another tag of tax-evaders. This group of self-seekers smack of stinking skunk in the bedroom. Kenyans cannot fathom this stench any longer. Natural way to keep a skunk from running after you is throwing any rag on its way and her rage will be shifted to the rag. Kenyan Mps epitomize an insincere group that does not feel obliged to return gestures of generosity by poor tax paying Kenyans. Why is it painful to pay to Ceaser what belongs to Ceaser?

Are these the same people who shouted themselves hoarse as they sought voters' mandate? Only to forget constituents wishes once they settled in Parliament. Waheshimiwa, have you forgotten your character of breaking promises? So it hurts when someone else breaks your promise, but it doesn't hurt when you plunder Constituency Development Fund with abandon; when you grab public parcels of land; when you divert the natural course of justice? Ahaa! Guys, just remember a simple rule: do unto others what you expect done unto you!

In the words of Yatta MP Charles Kilonzo, Mps are not broke, but on the same breathe they do not have a million to pay the debt owed to Kenya Revenue Authority. My head is spinning. Mheshimiwa, are you broke or not broke? Kenyans are aware, due to the lavish lifestyles most of you lead and the numerous number of mistresses that you keep, you hardly save anything at the end of the month. I bet a casual laborer working in Industrial Area has better financial discipline than most Mps. Or how else can we explain a person earns Sh 850, 000 per month, is entitled to a car untaxed, entitled to mortgage at very low interest rates and cannot have a million in his/her account to pay debts? You must be damn extravagant.

Indeed, Mps have become a liability to Kenyans and the earlier they roast themselves in their fat of rage into early elections, the better. Kenyans know your resolve to oppose payment of taxes has been buoyed by the Speaker's sentiments and insistent claim of having a binding letter that has suspended the Constitution. Mr. Speaker, give me a break. Letter or no letter, magical potion of an alchemist that you used to churn out wise decisions seems to have fallen flat. Now the man who dorns a wig and flowing robe, talks too much and Kenyans can barely make out what he is saying. Constitution is supreme.

I dare MPs again to make good their threat of paralyzing Parliamentary business. And the actions will boomerang back to them without recourse. Nairobi Metropolitan Robinson Njeru Githae, the man who told Kenyans to eat rats if they cannot afford maize, has pulled another surprise from his bagful of folly. Or how do we interpret his philosophy of defining 'pay-as-you-earn' as compared to what this brilliant lawyer calls 'pay-as-you-receive'? Whether you earn or receive, the fact Githae is paying taxes. Looking at how you describe yourself, you claim to have philosophy. Your philosophy states that “Do the best you can.” Am wondering for whose benefit you 'do your best'? Is it for the interest of helpless Kenyans or to pamper your greedy self? Even when it comes to churning out folly, do the best! That sounds cool?

Ndia people are dying in poverty. Nairobi Metropolitan ministry has nothing to show for the years you have been at the helm. Is this doing your best? The mission of the ministry states “To manage the Nairobi Metropolis by providing sustainable infrastructural services and high quality of life to all its residents, visitors and investors”. Apart from removing pebbles on Uhuru Highway and planting flowers, is there anything else that your ministry can be counted as achieving? City roads are horrible; the drainage system is horrific; security is horrendous. Sure Githae under any standards, this is not doing the best. A country's leadership that has less Githaes, Kilonzos, Gumbos, Mbadis is a better country. Meet your destiny at the ballot, waheshimiwa. I think you have a mindset that is not compatible with the New Constitutional Order.


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