Saturday, July 30, 2011

Has God forsaken Kenyans?

Rain clouds: Now Scientists want to make rain for Kenyans
Has God forsaken Kenyans or is it vice-versa?

Updated Saturday, July 30, 2011 Story by: JOSH MEMENTO

Has God taken leave of duty on Kenya, or Kenyans have deviated from the path of righteousness and wrath of God has befallen us? James 1:2-4Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that may be perfect and complete, lacking in anything.”

the Bible is explicit that that the people shall meet trials that will test their faith. But now it seems the tribulations have become too much to bear. Pangs of hunger are biting hard and may be God is watching from from Heaven; He has closed the flood gates of rain, now drought is more seasonal than rain; Kenyans are starving without food and God's people are dying in droves!

Have Kenyans forsaken God or God has turned a deaf ear on Kenyans? Whichever the case scientists now are seeking a man-made solution to man-made problems of droughts – making artificial rain! We must applaud the humanitarian effort to feed the starving. But this will not go on forever. We need a permanent solution to alleviate food scarcity.

Statistics show that 70 percent of rain falls in the Oceans and Seas and 15 percent falls in deserts and other other areas that are not good for farming. The command that “man shall till land” to put food on the table is no longer tenable. Due to the problem of global warming even the 15 percent that was falling in the right places at the right time is no longer falling!

The result is perennial droughts and droughts, lack of food suffering of people and animals and death. Since the problem is man-made, it deserves a man-made solutions. We cannot blame God for problems of our own creation. We must seek solutions. Aquiess Global Rain Project led by David Miles seeks to provide the solution. Through scientific magnetic technology the group will divert rain that falls in the oceans to fall on our land. Viola! The suggestions knocks down Kenyans with a feather.

While many people in Kenya and the Horn of Africa go everyday without food, changing weather patterns have definitely changed their fortunes. Now in 90 days we are sure of man-made rain for our land. Rest assured! It is not left to chance any more! But are we making God irrelevant? I do not thing  so. Genesis 1:26 says “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” In God's likeness, man is becoming artificial rainmaker!

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