Monday, June 27, 2011

Taking university lessons on prostitution, guns and drugs

Big brother's advice to our university brothers and sisters on drugs, guns and money

Updated on: Tuesday, June, 28, 2011 Story by: MEEME JOSHUA

Dear brothers and sisters at the university, I address you humbly not because am amused with your behavior but because we are inevitably born of the same mother, Kenya. This country depends on us to carry the dream of our forefathers, current leaders and pass it to the next generation. However, am worried that most of you will either be too weak to bear the dream or worse still, will not sane enough to realize the need for the dream, if you will at all be alive. Am not passing any judgment on you but only trying to use the most polite words as my younger siblings to address your wayward behavior.

Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. The steps taken today determines the route life takes into the future. The foundation you are laying on drugs, crime and prostitution, today, will take toll of your life later, if you will ever have a future. You have chosen to lead a life bordering on indifference and callousness. Marauding predator men politicians and aging 'sugar mummies' have turned you into easy-foolish prey. Your folly is groomed by poverty and covered in innocence. We have grown together so I know you are innocent. You do not cause havoc in the city as frequently as you used to do some years back. Motorists can rest assured you have met your Savior en route to Damascus. Lest do they know that you do not want to dent the cars you are planning to hijack, steal and claim ownership.

Easy money comes knocking and you can barely resist the temptation to fall into snares of bad company and behavior. It is not important to ask what one stands for but also what they fall for. My dear ones, you are falling for the love of easy money but the price you are paying will be very expensive to you, to your parents and to the country.

A walk into University of Nairobi Main Campus, for instance, does not reveal underlying dynamics of students enslaved by the love for money; who have become masters of deceit and dual personality, but serene environment of learning with students clasping folders in their hands and walking at an academic angle. Little do we know that the same faces metamorphose into devil's disciples under the cover of darkness. A veneer of hypocrisy conceals a deep rooted rot of thuggery, crime, drug trafficking and prostitution. Well, you may have taken a leave in stoning cars along State House Road and Uhuru Highway. But now we discover that your energies have been diverted and you perfectly converted yourself into social misfits. These wayward behaviors are a norm rather than exception. And the driving force is the search for happiness and easy money and just like a moth that dies in the flames chasing light and warmth, your destiny is killed by your cravings. My dear ones, there are no shortcuts to places worthy going.

Undoubtedly you are creme-la-creme of the society. But I cannot afford to give you a benefit of doubt, because doubts do not have any benefits. The path you have taken will ruin you, period. Just like a rose which does not only have beautifully-scented flowers but also have sharp thorns, you have perfected the art of pursuing pleasure breathlessly so much that you do not discover when you are pricking the society. we are now deflated, thanks to you.

At the centre of scrutiny is famed Mamlaka halls of residence and ladies hostels popularly known as 'Box.' Barely 100 metres apart these two hostels provide conducive environment to set the stage for future leaders in prostitution, drug trafficking and gun running. The limousines that pull up at the 'Box' ladies hostels only lead to early deathtraps. It is heart rending to hear that learning institutions have become conduit for drugs and guns. It is the moneyed guys against the beautiful vulnerable sisters looking for easy life and pleasure at the expense of decent lives in future. Unnerving also, is, most of you are aware of Aids and its mode of transmission but you insist on 'nyama kwa nyama' sex. For my brothers studying Engineering and residing at Mamlaka Hostels, the velocity of the bullet and vectors, must have driven to more practical areas like shooting at innocent Kenyans. May be Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics have also contributed to this. But the probability of you leaving this habit you have been nurturing, is zero. These is no chance, period.

Do we as expectant Kenyans expect you, a crop of people used to easy money from prostitution, violent crime and drug trafficking to wait for peanuts, working your ass off days on end, scratching your head bare for thirty days for the sake of Vision 2030? I doubt.

Parting shot: my brothers and sisters, if you rush into life too fast you will catch up with misfortunes; if you become a sluggard moving at a snail's pace, misfortunes will catch up with you. Indecisiveness is dangerous as you will crushed by traffic moving in both directions. Make decision today even if action will be in future. I do not need to pamper you with praise when you are jumping into an abyss of oblivion.

1 comment:

  1. Initially universities were institutions of pride and excellence. Not any more. Students must contend with colleagues who flash out latest phones and wall size TVs when they can barely put food on the table. This is the dilemma that faces most of them and tend to start way ward behavior.
