Saturday, May 18, 2013

Small scale public education in building pans in Igembe to alleviate water shortage

Small scale public education in building pans in Igembe to alleviate water shortage

Helping Igembe Community in realizing their potential and the solution to water shortage problem

    According to the UN Report 2006, problem of water shortage can be alleviated through runoff water harvesting. Runoff water harvesting can be cost effective way to alleviate water shortage in areas receiving an average of 150mm of rainfall per year without the danger of affecting the ecosystem of the area with adverse effects to the environment.

   In the Report , Kenya was identified as one of the countries in Africa which received more than enough rainfall on at least two times in a year but was one of the countries that suffered large extent of water scarcity both for domestic/livestock use and for irrigation. This scenario has affected the ability to become food secure with a population of less than 40 million and more than half of the land being arable for farming. The potential of runoff water harvesting can triple the gains and alleviate the problem of food security and safe drinking water problem.

    The advantage of runoff water harvesting through dams or water pan is its cost effective and sustanable with low cost in maintenance.

   The UN report concludes Africa is not water scarce but water stressed, due to lack of proper water management. This is where input of Youth of Igembe intervenes in educating the public on cost effective to remain water secure while seeking long term solution to alleviating the problem.

   With bodies like Amsha Africa and UNEP, investing in cost effective rain water harvesting can alleviate water shortage to the people of Igembe. This will leave ample time to focus on other development agenda of educating the girl child who in most cases becomes the best of burden in times water scarcity.

   While the Igembe community both local and political will be involved in the initiative, the drive must be centralised. This is the role I take in providing the leadership in alleviating the problem as a payback to the community.


  • Reservoirs can be escavated with earth movers which can be provided by the local government leadership. However, maintenance and treatment of the harvested water require finances.
  • Since the runoff water collected would be used for domestic and livestock use, there is need for treatment plant.

Why build pan (as immediate measure) 

  • They are simple to construct and maintain. 

  •  They are convinient and occupy small area

    (The diagram is adopted from Amsha Africa Foundation Website) 


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