Tuesday, July 5, 2011

This is my vision for Kenya

My vision for Kenya

Updated on: Tuesday, July 5, 2011 Story by: MEEME JOSHUA

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams,” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Fellow, Kenyans I present myself as a presidential candidate in the next year general elections. I know many of you have similar dream to do what am planning to achieve. But I have labored to conquer my fears and feelings of inadequacies to make this declaration. It is not by chance that we have a common origin but for a reason. It therefore upon each one of us to discover for what reason we are meant to be in this beautiful country Kenya. I have visualized a vision of a Kenya that I want, a Kenya that wants you, a Kenya that wants us.

It is a Kenya where hunger shall not be considered a business opportunity to make more dirty millions at the expense of the poor and dying Kenyans; A country that feeds its citizens and donates the 'leftovers' to its neighbors. Not a country perennially with a begging bowl in her hands living at the mercy of leftovers from less potential endowed countries and unsafe genetically modified foods. We will stop playing the role of 'guinea pigs' in the food science world.

Fellow Kenyans, people die. But we should stop dying from preventable and curable diseases. Kenya should be country where the poor and the rich have guarantee to have best medical cover. A country where we are not shipping out doctors and nurses to other countries because of poor pay as politicians continue to plunder public resources.

I envision a Kenya when citizens are sure of tomorrow. A Kenya where we are not living by the barrel of the gun but by the sanctity of the Constitution. A Kenya where there is no fear of attack from armed thugs or uniformed police officers. A Kenya where criminals will be criminals because of the crime they commit not because of their poverty. A Kenya where justice is not on sale to the highest bidder; A Kenya where crime and lawlessness will be punished in fairness irrespective of the social class. A Kenya where both the victims and suspects will appreciate the speed and cog of the wheels of justice.

I see Kenya where corruption and impunity will not hide behind 'it wasn't me.' A Kenya where the corrupt will carry their cross without stroking tribal passions of 'we are being finished.' A Kenya where communities will not herded by tribalists with handouts and empty promises. A Kenya where citizens will not be employed because of who they know in high office but by the substance of their character and intelligence. A Kenya where the buck of responsibilities is not passed to the 'powers from above.' A Kenya free from scheming political class.

A Kenya where all and sundry will pay taxes without complaining. A Kenya without power outages. A Kenya where we will realize the potential of God-given geothermal power, enjoy revenues from Iron Ore deposits in Tharaka, Gold mining in Kakamega, Coal in Kitui and Titanium mining in Kilifi. A Kenya that enjoys her sovereignty, knows her borders and not scared of her erratic neighbors.

Fellow Kenyans am certain many of you share this dream with me. But no one of us can achieve it individually. Let us join our hands together. Let us not waste our energies striving to pull others down but yearn to come up to their level. God bless you, God Bless Kenya.

Email: joshmemento@yahoo.com

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