Monday, September 26, 2011

Wangari Maathai fought a good fight, she has finished my course, she has kept the faith ... RIP prof.

Prof. Wangari Maathai's Awards: 
2010: Earth Hall of Fame, Kyoto (Japan) 
2009: Earth Hall of Fame, Kyoto (Japan) 
2009: Humanity 4 Water Award for Outstanding Commitment 2 Action 
2009: The Order of the Rising Sun, Japan 
2009: Judge, 2009 Geotourism Challenge, National Geographic, USA 
2009: NAACP Chairman's Award , USA 
2008: Dignitas Humana Award, St John's School of Theology, USA
2008: Cinema Verite, Honorary President, France 
2008: Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), Honorary Fellowship, UK 
2007: The Nelson Mandela Award for Health & Human Rights, South Africa 
2007: The Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding, India 
2007: Cross of the Order of St Benedict, Benedictine College, Kansas, USA 
2007: World Citizenship Award, World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts 
2006: The Indira Gandhi International Award for Peace, Disarmament & Development, India
2006: Premio Defensa Medio Ambiente, Club Internacional De Prensa, Spain 
2006: 6th in 100 Greatest Eco-Heroes of All Time, The Environment Agency, UK
2006: Medal for Distinguished Achievement, University of Pennsylvania, USA
2006: Woman of Achievement Award from the American Biographical Institute Inc., USA 
2006: The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights,Milele(Lifetime) Achievement Award 
2006: Legion D'Honneur, Government of France 
2006: The IAIA Global Environment Award,International Association for Impact Assessment, Norway 
2006: Disney Wildlife Conservation Fund Award, USA 
2006: World Citizenship Award 
2005: New York Women's Century Award, New York Women's Foundation, USA 
2005: One of the 100 Most Influential People in the World: Time magazine, USA 
2005: One of the 100 Most Powerful Women in the World: Forbes magazine, USA
2004: Nobel Peace Prize, the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Norway 
2004: Sophie Prize, the Sophie Foundation, Norway 
2004: Elder of the Golden Heart, Republic of Kenya 
2004: Petra Kelly Environment Prize, Heinrich Boell Foundation, Germany
2004: J. Sterling Morton Award, Arbor Day Foundation, USA 
2004: Conservation Scientist Award,Center for Environmental Research and Conservation, Columbia University, USA
2003: Elder of the Burning Spear, Republic of Kenya 
2003: WANGO Environment Award,World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations , USA
2002: Outstanding Vision and Commitment Award, Bridges to Community, USA 
2001: Excellence Award, Kenyan Community Abroad, USA 
2001: The Juliet Hollister Award, Temple of Understanding, USA 
1997: One of 100 in the World Who've Made a Difference in the Environment:Earth Times, USA 
1995: International Women's Hall of Fame,International Women's Forum Leadership Foundation, USA 
1994: The Order of the Golden Ark Award, the Netherlands 
1993: The Jane Addams Leadership Award, Jane Addams Conference, USA 
1993: The Edinburgh Medal, Medical Research Council, Scotland
1991: The Hunger Project's Africa Prize for Leadership, United Nations, USA
1991: Global 500 Hall of Fame: United Nations Environment Programme, USA
1991: The Goldman Environmental Prize, the Goldman Foundation, USA 
1990: The Offeramus Medal, Benedictine College, USA 
1989: Women of the World Award, WomenAid, UK 
1988: The Windstar Award for the Environment, Windstar Foundation, USA 
1986: Better World Society Award, USA
1984: Right Livelihood Award, Sweden 
1983: Woman of the Year Award

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