Sunday, November 11, 2012

Obama is Kenyan in America

Is Obama Kenyan or American?

Updated: November 7 th, 2012 Story by JOSHUA MEEME

The debate on whether the President of United States Barrack Obama is Kenyan or American has been in the lips of many people for some time. Some with good intentions but others with ill-motives. Birthers are among those questioning his American roots for the wrong intentions: imputing that Obama indeed was born in Kenya as opposed to US as implied in his birth certificate. Their intention has been to block him from contesting for a second term in White House. That is already behind after he won a secnd term in office, becoming one of the Democratic choices to serve two terms. But even Obama in his own words has admitted that he is Kenyan, but not have been born in Kenya. However, whether Obama was born in US or Kenya is of no consequence.

It is a fact that Obama's father is Kenyan. Obama's mother is American. Period. In Kenyan culture a son is born of the father's lineage and not to the mother's lineage. President Obama naturally is Kenyan and we as Kenyans of goodwill must claim his input to the land of his father: Kenya as his country based on his roots. For now though he can contest the US highest seat because the US constitution allows someone born in their country to be naturalized American.

But, Obama is Kenyan, truly Kenyan. In his wisdom his father may have intended to have his children grow up in this beautiful country before some KANU mandarins ruined its economy and plundered the environment. But now since we are back on track, Kenyans must not only claim artifacts that were stolen from our country, but also sons and daughters who may have ran away due to harsh KANU regime.

After his second term in office which he definitely win, Obama must come to Kenya and take part in nation building: completing the assignment that his father was not able to complete after he died in his prime years. Obama lived in Kariokor flats, in Nairobi before settling in the US. His intelligence may not be appreciated in US, but we need it right here in Kenya.

Kenyans have been known to be industrious and creative; and this not dumb one either. His economic policies speak volumes at a time when the US is still facing harsh economic times. But haters have every reason to poke holes in his efforts to redeem the country's fame. Kenya may not have power and wealth of US but it appreciates its people. In my opinion Obama was the best President that US could have had at a time when the economic was in a slump.

Since Kenya has come back to its senses after tumultuous 2007/8 general elections, its time we claim our Kiondos, Kikois, remains of man-eaters of Tsavo and all Obamas out there. Now Kogelo is tourists attraction site. Obama is one of the Big Six! With the right environment Americans should soon be seeking Greencard Lottery to be admitted as Kenyan citizens. And the strict restrictions that they impose on Kenyans intending to move to US will be used against them. But do I say! Jarateng' come back home.

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