Saturday, July 23, 2011

Akiwumi conspiracy to reward MPs, unconstitutional

Kenyan Parliament gone berserk

Updated: Saturday, July 23, 2011 Story by: MEEME JOSHUA

When Kenyans go to the ballot next year it would be time to breathe a sigh of relief and to break from an overbearing group of 222 greedy Kenyans holding the other 40 million hostage. This bunch of rogue people are acting as if there is no tomorrow! The tragedy is if we do not tame their errant behavior, we are likely to set the wrong precedent in the implementation of New Constitution.

Am jilted by Parliament's immoral proposal to operationalize Akiwumi Report simply because they have been asked to pay taxes. The report seeks to increase Mps salaries to Sh1.1m and reward former Mps with an handsome allowance of Sh90,000 fr their entire lives. I do not understand the rationale behind burdening Kenyans with pensions of people who have nothing to show in terms of development of the constituents. Why else would people vote someone out except due to incompetence?

Kenyan Parliamentarians have been absolved in so much self-worth that it has clouded their vision and reason. Based on the recent opinion polls, two-thirds of this group won't make it back in the August House. They have schemed to employ scorched-earth policy to arm twist Kenyan taxpayers to pay them for being reminded that they have a constitutional duty to pay taxes. Why would Kenyans be burdened to pay these retired shenanigans Sh90,000 every month when they could not manage Sh850, 000?

Increase of salaries has great emotional dissonance with suffering of poor Kenyans. Mps behavior epitomizes a mole that eats plants from the roots oblivious that they need food the following day. What has one term MP done so much to deserve a lifetime monthly payment of Sh90,000? When Mps are voted out it is because they have failed their constituents. Why should the same constituents be punished for lack of performance of an individual they would rather not have as their leader? This is mind boggling!

Let us do some mathematics. We have had 10 general elections since independence. Over 60 percent of sitting Mps lose their seats on average in every election. That is 130 Mps lose their seats. In 10 elections there is an accumulated 1300 former Mps. Paying each one of them Sh 90,000 will cost taxpayers a whooping Sh117m per month and Sh1.4b every year! This money enough to employ 5,000 primary school teachers. Where are our priorities? Paying retired, useless, former Mps for sitting at home drinking changaa and imbibing busaa, when our schools are highly understaffed, when our hospitals do not have enough medicine for the sick, when Kenyans are dying of hunger, is immoral.

In its wisdom or lack of it, Akiwumi Commission recommended that Mps salaries be increased to Sh1.1m before they are subjected to taxes. With 349 Mps in the next Parliament, Sh383m will be spent on Mps salaries every month and a total of Sh4.7b every year. This money is enough to expand the entire Mombasa Highway and reduce traffic jams that eat Kenyans man-hours on the road.

To say the least, Akiwumi Report is grossly unconstitutional. According to the Constitution power to review State Officer's salaries is bestowed upon Salaries and Remunerations Commission. Article 230(4) states that, “The powers and functions of the Salaries and Remunerations Commission shall be to (a) set and regularly review the remunerations and benefits of all State Officers.” This commission has not been established. Who has given the Parliament the power to abrogate the Constitution?

Article 122(3)
states that, “A member (of Parliament) shall not vote on any question in which the member has pecuniary interests.”
To allow Mps to determine their salaries is like allowing a hyena to preside over a case where a goat is the accused. There would be no fairness! Article 94(1) states that, “The legislative authority of the Republic is derived from the people and, at the national level, is vested in and exercised by Parliament.” Parliamentarians act on authority entrusted to them by the Kenyan people. The question is, in whose authority are MPs seeking to increase they allowances?

This rogue Parliament is using scorched-earth policy mechanisms, not punish the Executive as they want Kenyans to believe, but to punish Kenyan people for pushing them to pay taxes. It is time to come together against that rubbish known as Akiwumi report in the interest of Kenyan people.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed Kenyans must come out in large numbers and oppose these greedy politicians out to fleece Kenyan people. They have no right, and it is not right!
