Monday, September 26, 2011

Wangari Maathai fought a good fight, she has finished my course, she has kept the faith ... RIP prof.

Prof. Wangari Maathai's Awards: 
2010: Earth Hall of Fame, Kyoto (Japan) 
2009: Earth Hall of Fame, Kyoto (Japan) 
2009: Humanity 4 Water Award for Outstanding Commitment 2 Action 
2009: The Order of the Rising Sun, Japan 
2009: Judge, 2009 Geotourism Challenge, National Geographic, USA 
2009: NAACP Chairman's Award , USA 
2008: Dignitas Humana Award, St John's School of Theology, USA
2008: Cinema Verite, Honorary President, France 
2008: Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), Honorary Fellowship, UK 
2007: The Nelson Mandela Award for Health & Human Rights, South Africa 
2007: The Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding, India 
2007: Cross of the Order of St Benedict, Benedictine College, Kansas, USA 
2007: World Citizenship Award, World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts 
2006: The Indira Gandhi International Award for Peace, Disarmament & Development, India
2006: Premio Defensa Medio Ambiente, Club Internacional De Prensa, Spain 
2006: 6th in 100 Greatest Eco-Heroes of All Time, The Environment Agency, UK
2006: Medal for Distinguished Achievement, University of Pennsylvania, USA
2006: Woman of Achievement Award from the American Biographical Institute Inc., USA 
2006: The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights,Milele(Lifetime) Achievement Award 
2006: Legion D'Honneur, Government of France 
2006: The IAIA Global Environment Award,International Association for Impact Assessment, Norway 
2006: Disney Wildlife Conservation Fund Award, USA 
2006: World Citizenship Award 
2005: New York Women's Century Award, New York Women's Foundation, USA 
2005: One of the 100 Most Influential People in the World: Time magazine, USA 
2005: One of the 100 Most Powerful Women in the World: Forbes magazine, USA
2004: Nobel Peace Prize, the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Norway 
2004: Sophie Prize, the Sophie Foundation, Norway 
2004: Elder of the Golden Heart, Republic of Kenya 
2004: Petra Kelly Environment Prize, Heinrich Boell Foundation, Germany
2004: J. Sterling Morton Award, Arbor Day Foundation, USA 
2004: Conservation Scientist Award,Center for Environmental Research and Conservation, Columbia University, USA
2003: Elder of the Burning Spear, Republic of Kenya 
2003: WANGO Environment Award,World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations , USA
2002: Outstanding Vision and Commitment Award, Bridges to Community, USA 
2001: Excellence Award, Kenyan Community Abroad, USA 
2001: The Juliet Hollister Award, Temple of Understanding, USA 
1997: One of 100 in the World Who've Made a Difference in the Environment:Earth Times, USA 
1995: International Women's Hall of Fame,International Women's Forum Leadership Foundation, USA 
1994: The Order of the Golden Ark Award, the Netherlands 
1993: The Jane Addams Leadership Award, Jane Addams Conference, USA 
1993: The Edinburgh Medal, Medical Research Council, Scotland
1991: The Hunger Project's Africa Prize for Leadership, United Nations, USA
1991: Global 500 Hall of Fame: United Nations Environment Programme, USA
1991: The Goldman Environmental Prize, the Goldman Foundation, USA 
1990: The Offeramus Medal, Benedictine College, USA 
1989: Women of the World Award, WomenAid, UK 
1988: The Windstar Award for the Environment, Windstar Foundation, USA 
1986: Better World Society Award, USA
1984: Right Livelihood Award, Sweden 
1983: Woman of the Year Award

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Why does Kalonzo fear anything that has mark of Raila?

Kalonzo fights any shadow that resembles Odinga

Updated September 20, 2011 Story by Josh Wa Meeme

The public have been treated to theatrics of words from Kalonzo and group over the IEBC selection panel list of 44 applicants. I'm trying to understand why these people are complaining about the selection panel list if they do not have interest. Simply because Chairman Ekuru Aukot was picked by PM Raila is a reason enough to oppose him? In the words of Kalonzo 'we cannot allow next election to be rigged in 2011.' And this group want Kenyans to believe that they have no interest in the team that is going to manage the election?

This is the group that has publicly stated that their mission is stop Raila from becoming President. What makes them think that Kenya will buy such myopic narrow thinking? I still wonder why this group really fear the Raila Presidency. Kenya will not choose the president based on hatred of a group of people.

Well, the group is clasping on false hopes. They tried to frustrate the enactment of constitution by either being in the watermelon team or strictly red. They failed. They tried to block the Hague cases through shuttle diplomacy and admissibility claims. They failed. They placed another boulder by blocking Dr Mutunga from assuming office as the CJ. They failed. They have tried desperately to turn the public against PM Odinga. They have failed. Now the want to block a constitutional process of appointing the IEBC team. What makes these perennial failures that this time they are going to succeed?

Indeed, am of the opinion that these dudes belong to the political dustbins. Why would Kenyans want to have these Kanu aftergrowths as their leaders? They all think they will be anointed as the heir apparent of StateHouse. They have not taken time to study Kibaki the man they have worked under fro the last eight years. Both the Hague Hyenas and Hague preys are in for rude shock come the next elections.

If Kalonzo was a person with something in between his ears, he would have befriended the IEBC selection panel and not fight them. This is constitutional body and fighting it is like fighting a losing battle. If the cases at the Hague are confirmed Kalonzo will be political orphan who will find it difficult to sell what he believes to the people of Kenya.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Hague Session II

Hague Session II featuring Uhuru, Ali and Muthaura

Updated 18 September, 2011 By Josh wa Meeme

I have been waiting for the moment to watch the unfolding Hague drama. However, to the brothers affected this seems like a nightmare that does not seem to go away. I pray that whoever they believe in will give them strength to overcome the temptations to make trivial and costly mistakes.

In Session I the world was treated with so unnatural witnesses whose evidence to the highest court under the Heavens. These witnesses were so symmetrical that their submissions were carbon copies of each other. Indeed after listening to them I thought it could have been wise if the defence applied to the court to have one person appearing twice as two different witnesses for the same suspect. It could have reduced the cost of keeping these people at a far country when they not their evidence only confirmed the fears that they had been coached on what to say and how to exonerate the suspects.

Sorry, if I sound too skeptical and cynical, am only playing the role of devil's advocate for my beloved brothers. Indeed they all concede that crimes were committed but no one want to shed some light on who, where, why the crimes were committed. In the first session the most mentioned word was 'Spontaneous'. I'm still wondering what magical word will be used by the second group of suspects. Could be retaliation, help? am still waiting for the start of the hearing.

The suspects should have now known that their evidence may not count if the plan by the ICC to set up an office in Kenya is anything to go by. Just like we say in our community when someone is drowning it is bu reflex action that they clutch on the floating logs and other useless debris.  Sorry if it becomes difficult for anyone to read between the lines of the ICC intentions. The die has been cast