Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Were MPs duped on taxes in New Law?

Were Mps duped on taxes in the New Constitution?

Updated on: Wednesday, June, 22, 2011 Story by: MEEME JOSHUA

From a sly and conniving scheme, MPs were made to believe that the constitution would be suspended over the requirement of public officers to pay taxes until the next elections. It is now dawning on many of them that they have been stealing from the tax collector and must reimburse the money backdated August 2010 when the constitution was promulgated. Mbadi and Co. cannot understand how they would be required to part with Sh 2.9 million and Sh 200,000 every month subsequently, when elections is just few months away. This shocker could not have come at a better time.

Gwaasi MP may speak for many of his colleagues who are burning with rage. But Mheshimiwa imagine, the poor people you represent have known this feeling for long and it has become part of their duty: to pay taxes. Your reasoning and logic is hollow. Ooooh, we have a mortgage which we need to service, ooooh we have a car loan that we are paying, ooooh we have debts that we are paying. Give Kenyans a break. We do not live in utopia; we also pay those bills, service our loans and pay you! Indeed majority of people who contribute to your pay walk from Huruma, Kibera, Mathare, Kawangware, Kariobangi to Industrial Area, just to make you happy, take your children to the best schools when you are busy stealing money for FPE, have the best medical cover when they are dying in numbers from preventable diseases, and give you a decent meal when they are dying of hunger. And now you find it hard to part with a fraction of that money? Are you selfish or stingy?

It is unfortunate that Mbadi and Co have failed to realize that the money they are paid every month comes from every coin squeezed out of 'mamamboga' in terms of taxes. This is the same person who must contend with one meal per day when it is available, so as to foot bills of opulently extravagant representatives. However commonsense tells me that representatives must have the characteristics of the represented population. MPs never skip their meals; if they do it is because they have constipated; they never walk, when they walk they are crossing Parliament Road. Ironically, the people they represent are starving, emaciated and dying lot. There is dire need to strike a balance.

If MPs want to feel where the Kenyan shoe hurts then they must wear it: by paying taxes. Now comes the threat that you will be compromised. The truth is Mbadi and Co you have never acted in the interest of Kenyans. When there is an opportunity to cut deals in Parliament Kenyans issues take a back seat. Take for instance the passing of the DPP against public protestation that some issues needed to be ironed out. You disregarded the public mood and shouted reasoning down. You have no choice. Ranting and raving at cameras will not save from paying taxes. Indeed in ten days time, reality will sink deeper, but now it may seem like a bad dream that does not seem to go away.

Email joshmemento@yahoo.com

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